Today is a day of reflection. As I walked home today, I journeyed past the Korean Church near my house and was very puzzled by today’s posting. (They have a little sign board with different things posted each wee, my favourite being “God is Understanding Mass at 10:30am” ) Today it read “ Are you the pursuer or the pursued?” And as I walked home, I began to ponder which one am I? I am sure everyone would say a bit of both about themselves, but if you were forced to choose only one, which would it be? I admit there is most definitely a pursuer within me, I enjoy to hunt. Be it a degree or multiple ones to the perfect purse to match my boots, I enjoy the pursuit. So because I am goal oriented and a bit of a control freak does that mean I am the pursuer. I don’t know about the pursued, perhaps I, like everyone else, am constantly pursued by my own demons. What are those demons? Scales, bills, lack of writing style, Organic Chemistry, SAS, and failure, just to name a few. Who am I? Who are you? What are we?
Friday, January 10, 2003
Thursday, January 09, 2003
The world is back in orbit. A minor breakdown today: Meeting with Supervisor, Organic getting difficult: radicals and resonance, Hotmail not letting me sign in, marks changing on the system, and other whacked out occurrences. Everything was not going so well this afternoon; in fact I think it would be fair to say it sucked. Luckily, a trip to East Side Mario's and a rather cute waiter along with some walking around outside of the math building helped rejuvenate me. In addition, I have been forced to create a C.V. and with very few publications (one paper submitted and two in progress) I felt silly having to include the publications section. Schools that piss me off: U of T. This is another random thought day so bear with me. I think I should warn everyone my hair is at the dangerous ponytail length. Anyone who has been slapped with about 200 hundred braids can tell you it is rather painful. Oh well, duck if they are headed your way!
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
I am on a cooking kick, this was all jump started by my twin Ceci who decided to tell me all about the soup she was going to make a few days ago. Well, I followed suit, and yesterday I made a creamy (sans la creme) potato soup that was awesome. (For those wondering, I substituted the ham with turkey Kelbosa sausage) I can provide recipes for anyone interested, it’s my own original recipe. Anyway, then today after much moping over what to eat for dinner, I made a chicken, spinach, and asparagus pizza. I cheated a little on this one and used store bought pasta sauce and pizza dough. Tomorrow, I have dinner plans, so what will I make on Friday? Hmmm? Maybe, I should start marinating something today, that could be yummy! I love food! Hey does anyone remember my slogan for when I ran for FOOD Rep in Res in first year? “GOOD FOOD. GOOD FOOD IDEAS”- I ripped it off Kraft ;)
Also, I had a minor fit when I realized my supervisor is on sabbatical the term my paper is due, but twin to the rescue. She clamed me down and reminded me that he will still be in the vicinity just not down the hall. On a happy side, I chatted with Tia today, and we got to catch up. We need to be in the same city at the same time, same goes for Linds. Well, that’s about it for me. Time to get back to all the bastardy and such in King Lear.
Monday, January 06, 2003
Okay, I am taking two undergrad courses and they are costing me a fortune!! All my Org crap (texts (used not new), solution manuals, goggles, etc) cost me $200 and since we are reading 6 plays in Shakespeare that cost me another little bundle. Feeling a little poor at the moment, especially since I have not yet received any funding this semester :~( Oh well, aside from that, I got in touch with the pink side of life today! I bought this pink (more like dusty rose) fleecy from SmartSet (big surprise I know) and I am really enjoying it. Matched with a darker pink shirt underneath, I felt pretty cute I have to say. No one commented on it, but still I felt quite proud. Well, I did get a pink comment but that was along the lines of "oh my..You have pink in your hair!!" Well, the burgundy streaks apparently look pink but I love them anyway. After 8 hours at the hairdresser, you better love your hair! Well, I am glad to say it was 8 hours well spent. Side note, I realized over the break that I use unshelled and shelled in reverse especially when it comes to peanuts. My dad asked what kind of peanuts I bought, and I said the unshelled, thinking without the shell = un-shelled, and shelled was with shell. Everyone was trying to correct me and I ended up quite confused with my whole family laughing at me! Life goes on, shells or no shells, right? (having a random thought day, can you tell? In addition, I am really into the brackets today...good times)