The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Friday, April 04, 2003

ICE STORM 2: just can't get away!
Today the university is closed due to an Ice Storm. Seems like wherever I go there is an Ice Storm. I am sure everyone remembers the ICE STORM of 1998, when McGill refused to shut its doors until nothing else in the city was open. I a freaking out though b/c my lab was supposed to be today and now they have to reschedule it during the exam period which officially sucks! Oh well, oh to curl up with a good book and then start writing my research paper.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Okay, I have been plagued with nightmares as of late. Yesterday, I had a waking type nightmare. You know the type where you are really awake but somehow begin to have dream elements becoming reality. I was contemplating what type of censoring I should be using in my last model, when I had a brain wave *INTERVAL CENSORING*. All of a sudden I got super freaked out and was actually scared.
Maybe it was a sign because today I realized that interval censoring is wrong and the correct model requires good ol’ fashioned right censoring. Anyway, time to get all my stuff ready for yet another meeting with my supervisor! I have a feeling this is going to be a long one. Thankfully it can't go beyond 2hrs because Denise has her meeting then! Thank You Denise!!!

Monday, March 31, 2003

Screw all you need is love, All you need is a CHANGE OF BASE!
It can make a difference between a reproducible model and a crappy model!

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Woah...last night was a little on the crazy side. I promised myself I would come home early and not indulge like at the last GSA appreciation night. Well, I broke both rules…but it was a good time. Especially, when I was on water and a certain little STATS Queen was still on Gin. And then Heather insulted my purse and I nearly kicked her ass. (Had she done that at a bar in Montreal she would have had a stiletto stuck in her shin) Had a lot of crazy conversations including an hour-long argument about the similarities between the Roman Empire and the US with a philosopher and an Economist. My advice to anyone, don’t get into an argument with an Economist and A philosopher, they can argue for hours, they can probably argue while they sleep. Okay time to bond with Shakespeare again.