The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Thursday, May 08, 2003

I have an intense urge to go and bug Denise, but she is not here today. I am officially sick of my paper. I am saturated. I am so close to the end but still I am losing motivation and fast. I only have the final chapter of conclusions to write up but I have no urge. I feel like sleeping. Yesterday, I got really frustrated with my hair so I got it done. Kinda of like this:

Not quite so glam, but I think an adequate representation. Took less than 2hrs, so I did not feel so guilty. Felt guilty after I took ~3hrs making a turkey dinner for myself. Turkey is such a feel good food, how could I resist? Okay, back to the paper!

Study Status: need to review articles for the Case Study yuck!
Research Paper Status: 35 pages out of 40 pages typed, ~15 pages of Tables and Figures. Missing final chapter.
Angel Status: Meeting with Jerry later today!
Tummy Status: full of Tea.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Why can't I find out my English mark?? So flippin' annoying I tell you. I call the dept secretary but she tells me I have to check on the online system but the system won't have grades till the 15th or the 22nd. So I email the prof, still no response. I am getting quite frustrated.
On the other side of things, I have met with both my supervisor and my second reader and things are going well it seems. I have a ton of corrections to make but I feel as though I am progressing towards my degree.

Study Status: need to review articles for the Case Study
Research Paper Status: 33 pages out of 40 pages typed, ~15 pages of Tables and Figures. Doing all the corrections at the moment.
Angel Status: Meeting with Jerry on Thursday or Friday depends when I finish all the corrections. I hope Thursday,
Tummy Status: Hungry...whats new

Monday, May 05, 2003

Something to be said about the little things in life. Yesterday, as I was walking to the bus this girl smiled at me, actually she beamed at me, and said hi. I don’t know her but she was having an excellent day and decided to share it with everyone. I, on the other hand, was a little under the weather and feeling stressed about school, but, after that, I felt lighter and happier.