The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

I watched ‘BELOVED’ last night and I have been feeling sad since. I cried and cried and was very disturbed throughout. I had tried reading the novel but had to stop after a chapter or two about a year ago. I thought seeing the movie would be easier, a little more distance or something. Well, the movie was very faithful to the movie and very eerie with haunting music. Afterwards, I found myself contemplating ghosts. Can they really take on the form of flesh? If they can, who is real and who isn’t? Scary part is when everyone sees the ghost as well not just one person. Maybe the person you see every morning at the bus stop is not actually alive but rather a ghost taking on a flesh form. I know this could mean everyone is indeed a ghost but I think we must differentiate between souls and ghosts.
Had many nightmares last night as a result and woke up rather unsettled this morning.

Study Status: need to review articles for the Case Study
Research Paper Status: 29 pages out of 40 pages typed, ~15 pages of Tables and Figures. Need to finish the last few sections.
Angel Status: Meeting with Jerry next week.
Tummy Status: drinking tea!