The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Woah...last night was a little on the crazy side. I promised myself I would come home early and not indulge like at the last GSA appreciation night. Well, I broke both rules…but it was a good time. Especially, when I was on water and a certain little STATS Queen was still on Gin. And then Heather insulted my purse and I nearly kicked her ass. (Had she done that at a bar in Montreal she would have had a stiletto stuck in her shin) Had a lot of crazy conversations including an hour-long argument about the similarities between the Roman Empire and the US with a philosopher and an Economist. My advice to anyone, don’t get into an argument with an Economist and A philosopher, they can argue for hours, they can probably argue while they sleep. Okay time to bond with Shakespeare again.


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