The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Thursday, December 19, 2002

8. What is the high point of your day so far today? Low point?
High point: re-organizing the kitchen
Low point: realizing how much of my soaps I have missed during the semester

9. In high school, when someone you barely knew asked you to sign their yearbook, what was your all-purpose message? Or did you just refuse?
Something about what a great year it has been and we made it, something cheesy like that, or maybe a comment on how they made it through the year listening to my voice every morning on the announcements

10. What tv show is most realistic to you, in terms of your own life?
Couldn’t really say, don’t watch much tv

11. Describe your favourite outfit currently in your closest.
My new dark brown dress and camel brown boots.

12. If you had to become an illegal drug user (can't quite picture this scenario, but humour me) which one would best suit your personality?
Hmmm, I can’t really say either, maybe pot, just cuz it’s a social drug and I am social

13. What song is stuck in your head right now?
The song from Miss Congeniality, “you want to date me, you want to kiss me…”

14. Which food(s) would you risk offending your host in order to avoid eating?
Any milk products


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