The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Saturday, April 26, 2003

I spent most of yesterday using one of the secretaries offices since mine is not available. They are giving us new furniture for the offices but it is taking forever. My office probably won't even be operational till late Monday or Tuesday. Thank goodness I was working mainly on writing at the moment and not still modeling, so I can do it at home.
I went to this huge book sale yesterday and it was awesome. So many books, but, unfortunatley, not sorted very well. I bought 10 or 11 books at a great price. Already started into one. I am taking a stance for this weekend, I am not reading any stats books.

Study Status: taking a GLM break, need to review how SAS does some of the coding for my models. Freaked out when one of my models appeared to be going against the main hypotheses, luckily it was just a coding/intepreting problem. This is what happens when you try to interpret models late at night. I should have just hung out at Dil and Jason's.
Research Paper Status: 29 pages out of 40 pages typed, so some sections were missing and some were not in as much detail as they needed to be. That's why it is a rough copy right!
Angel Status: Met with Jerry Yesterday as well as my second reader. Explained to them about the missing sections and the shoddy sections, they seemed to understand.
Tummy Status: Hungry


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