The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday: Saw the dialysis unit and the plasma exchange machine. Then off to clinic and then lunch. The cafeteria may be smaller than the one at sick kids but I have to say it kicks ass. Great options and cheap. Yesterday I had a large helping of pasta with chicken, shrimp, and artichoke that was only 3.99$. Today I had grilled Thai chicken with brown rice pilaf… yummy and healthy.

Pimped: Twice (kind of... does 'what do you think' count as pimping?)

Dictated: 3 clinic notes


As I walked home I stopped by a small plaza. I had a few things to pick up. As I was heading to get some items at the next store, I saw a lady with an oxygen tank smoking in front of it. Let me tell you I quickly backed my ass up and took off home in the opposite direction. In the event that she blows the whole plaza down, I did not want to be one of the pieces. Thankfully as I was scurrying off, I looked back and she put out the cigarette. No one realized what danger they were in during those few short drags.

Scenic Walk to Work:

The walk to work takes me roughly 25 minutes door to door. It is a pathway through residential areas, and some grassy knolls. On my way home the first day I encountered a rabbit or was it a hare on my way home. (Don't wory Priya ... I never even thought about eating it :)


At June 21, 2006 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't understand much but the scenic route and the cafeteria options (Mmmmm) but am enjoying hearing about Ottawa. I think your definition of pimping is different than mine...explain?

At June 21, 2006 10:22 PM, Blogger Zed said...

oops silly me...

Pimping is when you are asked question after question by your staff. It can make you feel smart or like most of us uite inadequate.

It is especially bad when you are asked in front of other staff or patients.


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