The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Thursday, December 29, 2005


10 things that happened this year that I am really happy about!

  1. My family is still amazing and will always be there for me.
  2. One step closer to becoming a physician.(Don’t ask what kind, I am not quite that sure yet :)
  3. I went traveling this summer and visited Ireland, Scotland and Spain.
  4. Some close friends of mine got Engaged: Lindsay, Laura, and James.
  5. Alice and Bethany both got married this summer.
  6. Puja lived with me for a month while she did an elective and we both survived. Better yet, we became closer and I got addicted to Gray’s Anatomy.
  7. My friends (from Lo-Ellen to Travel buddies) are good to me, and understand the hectic life of a med student.
  8. I passed the USMLE Step One.
  9. I keep meeting new friends: my new roomie, residents, etc.
  10. I learnt a little more about the person I call ‘me’


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