The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Friday, August 19, 2005

So apparently I have been at U of T for the past two years, yet I know nothing about this school. Since I had some time to kill today I thought I would have lunch on campus, so I called Anna to find out where to go since I was not headed to Hart House.

So I get to Robarts and I have to ask where the cafe is, and the washrooms! I live in a bubble in med. I only go to the Med Sci Building and then the hospitals. And this year it will be more hospital time than anything. Oh well, I guess I am ok unless someone asks me where some random building is. At least I know where the convocation hall is, that will be key in a few years!

Okay off to get some titres done, damn I hate needles!


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