The spiral of life!

Just some thoughts about life, school, and whatever else comes to mind :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Okay here is the update: School started with a month of class stuff, essentially a countdown to clerkship with assignments and an exam really. Anyway, I made it through somehow, since I have not received any emails or phone calls I will assume that I did not fail ;)


So we started off with a week of seminars and more time to get nervous. Then it began, I was a clerk on a general surgery team. It was really neat. My supervisor and I got on really well and I got to do stuff. I did lots of DigREs and saw lots of scopes. I was only on gen surg for two weeks but as the time passed I graduated, from putting in staples in the OR to sewing Scarpa’s fascia!!! I was on top of the world. Also, I got to remove staples in clinic, and removed some of my own handiwork…continuity of care…it’s a beautiful thing.

Then I switched to Urology, and so far I am having a great time. I did mostly clinics last week and feel very comfortable with the urologic history now. Let me tell the first few times you have to ask a man about his sexual function are a little uncomfortable. I was in the OR once so far, but look forward to Cystoscopy and more ORs, and clinics this week. Also I finally get to meet my supervisor this week; he was gone on conference last week.

Also I went to see Body Worlds 2 at the Science centre… really cool, but gets a little creepy near the end of the exhibit when the bodies are in some questionable positions.

Once again I am all over the place in this post... oh well what is new???


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